

All forms have been updated for the Mental Health Act, 2007 and are available as Adobe Acrobat reader PDF files:

Additional Mental Health Act 2007 forms can be accessed from the Mental Health legislation page on the NSW Ministry of Health website. This site also contain translated versions of the Statement of Rights.

Additional information can also be found  in the laset edition of the Mental Health Act Guidebook : The Guidebook provides clear and practical information about procedures and issues to be considered in implementing the Mental Health Act 2007.



Application Forms

Information and Guidelines

NSW Health Forms

Self Report Form

Forensic Patients

Mental Health Inquiries


Community Treatment Orders

Download and complete the following documents to send to the affected person and their carer(s):

Download and complete the following documents to send to the Tribunal:

Information and Guidelines

Other Tribunal Application Forms

NSW Health Forms

Eating Disorders

Financial Management Orders

Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT)

Application Forms, Guidelines and Information

NSW Health Forms

ECT Certificates

Surgery and Special Medical Treatment

Reports on Involuntary Admissions