Involvement of Registered Victims
Specialist support for victims of forensic patients
The Specialist Victims Support Service (SVSS) is a part of Victims Services, Department of Justice and is a dedicated support service that provides trauma-informed support to victims navigating the forensic mental health system.
The service will:
- explain court and Tribunal processes to victims and support them as the matter progresses from the court to the Tribunal;
- provide victims with immediate referral to supports for assistance with temporary accommodation and other immediate needs;
- work with victims to ensure that they are supported in all aspects of their lives. This will include providing referrals to appropriate services such as the Victims Service Approved Counselling Service, housing assistance and financial assistance;
- notify victims about important changes regarding the forensic patient; and
- facilitate communication between victims and the Tribunal. The SVSS will help victims have a say in the process by assisting them prepare submissions to the Tribunal and attending hearings on behalf of victims.
To register as a victim and to find out more about how the SVSS can support victims of forensic patients go to the SVSS website or call 1800 633 063.
Speaking on behalf of a registered victim at Tribunal hearings
Anyone who wishes to speak on behalf of a registered victim at a Tribunal hearing needs to first complete this statutory declaration and return the form to the SVSS.
This is a legal requirement put in place under clause of 13 the Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Regulations 2021 however you can observe a Tribunal hearing without filling in the statutory declaration. You should discuss this with the team at SVSS.
Making Submissions at a Tribunal Hearing
If you wish to make submissions as a registered victim, please complete the Tribunal's Victims Submission Form. This should be completed at least three weeks prior to the hearing and where possible, should be completed in consultation with the SVSS.
Other Information
Please see the Tribunal's Practice Direction on the participation of victims in Tribunal reviews or download the Victims Information Sheet.