Official Reports of Proceedings
The Tribunal may from time to time issue an Official Report of its proceedings if a particular case has broader significance. An Official Report will have any identifying information about the particular patient deleted.
The following Offical Reports have been issued:
[2024] NSWMHRT 1: Mr Edwin (Catchwords: Sufficient time in custody; Court's reasons on sentence)
[2024] NSWMHRT 3: Mr Clark (Catchwords: May become fit to be tried for the offence; will not become fit to be tried for the offence; has become fit)
[2023] NSWMHRT 1: Mr Barrie (Catchwords: Extra-territoriality, Interstate Application of Orders, Enforcement of Tribunal Orders, Jurisdiction, Judicial Power)
[2022] NSWMHRT 1: Mr Anderson (Catchwords: Correctional patient, Secretary transfer order to mental health facility with person's consent)
[2021] NSWMHRT 1: Mr Zeigler (Catchwords: Detention in another place, group home)
[2021] NSWMHRT 3: Mr Campbell (Catchwords: Correctional patient, voluntary patient, consent, transfer)
[2020] NSWMHRT 1: Mr Vigo (Catchwords: Mental Health Act, transfer involuntary patient)
[2020] NSWMHRT 2: Ms Williams (Catchwords: 7 nights overnight leave; difference between leave and conditional release; COVID-19)
[2020] NSWMHRT 3: Ms Young(Catchwords: involuntary patient; Mental Health Act 2007; power of tribunal to transfer)
[2019] NSWMHRT 1: Mr Qadir (Catchwords: open hearings, public interest)
[2019] NSWMHRT 2: Mr Roberts (Catchwords: consent to publish name)
[2019] NSWMHRT 3: Ms Sullivan (Catchwords: mentally ill person, meaning of mental illness, anorexia nervosa, eating disorder)
[2019] NSWMHRT 4: Mr Turner (Catchwords: media, open hearings, public interest)
[2019] NSWMHRT 5: Mr Underhill (Catchwords: limiting term; transfer to specialist aged care; dementia; detention in specialist aged care)
[2018] NSWMHRT 1: Mr Murray (Catchwords: Unconditional Release, Serious Endangerment)
[2018] NSWMHRT 2: Mr Nichols (Catchwords: Time limited order, sentenced inmate and forensic patient )
[2018] NSWMHRT 3: Mr Lucas (Catchwords: Tim limited order, Tribunal's discretion, Principles for care and treatment)
[2018] NSWMHRT 4: Mr Omar (Catchwords: Unconditional release, serious endangerment, meaning of "the public")
[2018] NSWMHRT 5: Mr Powers (Catchwords: Involuntary patient review, less restrictive care)
[2017] NSWMHRT1: Mr Collie (Catchwords: Leave, Relevance of Minister's letter to medical superintendent, Delay to obtain legal advice, Expeditious implementation of Tribunal's orders)
[2017] NSWMHRT 2: Mr Draper (Catchwords: unconditional release)
[2017] NSWMHRT 3: Mr Ellis (Catchwords: no change, Forensic Hospital)
[2017] NSWMHRT 4: Mr Fanshaw (Catchwords: transfer to the Forensic Hospital)
[2017] NSWMHRT 5: Mr Graham (Catchwords: conditional release from custody)
[2017] NSW MHRT 6: Mr Hogarth (Catchwords: no change in custody)
[2017] NSWMHRT 7: Mr Island (Catchwords: order to release from seclusion, unlawful detention, care and treatment)
[2017] NSWMHRT 8: Ms Jones (Catchwords: custody, transfer to specified mental health facility)
[2017] NSWMHRT 9: Mr Kelso (Catchwords: Implementation of leave, Unsupervised leave)
[2016] NSWMHRT1: Mr Bridges (Catchwords: revocation of Community Treatment Order, revoke CTO)
[2015] NSWMHRT1: Mr Peters (Catchwords: Voluntary patient, consent, discharge, guardianship)
[2015] NSWMHRT2: Mr Ong (Catchwords: Limiting term, Attorney General intervention, grant of adjournment)
[2015] NSWMHRT3: Mr Quick (Catchwords: Forensic Hospital, Escorted leave, Therapeutic Leave Policy)
[2015] NSWMHRT4: Mr Resinovic (Catchwords: Involuntary Patient, Attorney General intervention, participation of lawyers)
[2015] NSWMHRT5: Mr Stephens (Catchwords: Revocation of Financial Management Order, best interests)
[2015] NSWMHRT6: Mr Talbingo (Catchwords: conditional release, sufficient time in custody, nursing home)
[2015] NSWMHRT7: Mr Underwood (Catchwords: fitness to stand trial)
[2015] NSWMHRT8: Mr Valance (Catchwords: leave from a mental health facility)
[2015] NSWMHRT9: Mr Wales (Catchwords: ongoing detention in a mental health facility)
[2015] NSWMHRT11: Mr Yelland (Catchwords: fitness to stand trial)
[2015] NSWMHRT12: Mr Zorba (Catchwords: unconditional release)
[2015] NSWMHRT13: Mr Aloisi (Catchwords: Conditional release)
[2014] NSWMHRT1: Mr Hallam (Catchwords:Forensic Hospital, Time limited order, Escorted leave)
[2014] NSWMHRT2: Mr Ephram (2) (Catchwords: Fitness to stand trial, Not guilty by reason of mental illness)
[2014] NSWMHRT3: A. Prof Isaac & Prof Janzik (Catchwords: Consent to publish name)
[2014] NSWMHRT4: Ms Kerr & Ms Liu (Catchwords: Consent to publish name)
[2014] NSWMHRT5: Mr Naylor (Catchwords: Leave from a correctional centre)
[2014] NSWMHRT6: Mr Murray (Catchwords: Conditional release, nursing home)
[2013] NSWMHRT1: Mr Adams(Catchwords: Limiting term, sufficient time in custody, conditional release)
[2013] NSWMHRT2: Ms Croker (Catchwords: Forensic Hospital, escorted leave)
[2013] NSWMHRT3: Mr Farnham (Catchwords: Non-association order, Registered Victim, Escorted leave, Forensic Hospital)
[2013] NSWMHRT4: Mr Ban (Catchwords: Unconditional release, Non-citizen repatriation)
[2013] NSWMHRT5: Mr Dunlop (Catchwords: Limiting term, Conditional release)
[2013] NSWMHRT6: Mr Griffith (Catchwords: Classification, Limiting term)
[2013] NSWMHRT7: Mr Ephram (Catchwords: Consent to publish name)
[1999] NSWMHRT1: Ms S (Catchwords:mentally ill person, meaning of mental illness, anorexia nervosa)